Friday, January 16, 2009

Senior of the Week

This weeks Senior of the week and very first senior or the week is Madison Mc Causland. This gal gets things done. I've heard that if you need something done --give it to Maddy, she's your go to person to get things moving collecting $ for the homecoming limo. Way to go!
Here are some things to know about Maddy:
two words that describe her are {funny and talkative}
her favorite website is {myspace} you may have guessed this one.
her favorite tv show is {the o.c.}
her lucky number is {31}
her fav band is {lady GaGa}
her hobbies are {ARHS ASB Pres. key club, dance, and young life}
her fav movie is (yeah) {Twilight}
her fav colors are {anything bright}
fav starbucks drink {white choc. with Carmel}
her pals are {Griffin, Whitney, Lauren, and Kristi!
Kristi referred Maddy to me and so thank Krisit for that.
ok- so it's crunch week{ you got it covered} and then you're on your way to your last high school semester.
Maddy's future plans include but are not limited to majoring in Hospitality/Business Management at W.S.U.
Love your photographs and the fun we had. Jenna was a lot of help at your session. You have the greatest friends. You are a super star.

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