Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Titans Rally Rock

Titan's rally rock! Right click to save this images to your computer.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Lake Tapps Titans

Did you know Corey has a twin?
These photos had to go on my blog- Such effort by the varsity lacrosse team to come up with great poses. These were the one's that didn't get printed- but couldn't go unnoticed. Thanks for making team and sports photos so much fun. You guys rock-- oh yeah, the rock. I will post the images of the black and gold rock too!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Little Sis

OK- let's get serious! Just look at those beautiful eyes. I love love love photographing little sis because she cooperative, playful and such a huge delight. I love her natural expression- so many times we try to force little ones to smile all the time when it really isn't how they are most of the time. Time will reveal more about who she will grow to be...in due time. oh, I could just squeeze her with joy. Can't wait to see you again!

How fun to be three! We always have so much fun when we get together. I have know this sweet girl since her mom was expecting and now look and see how big she is growing...and talk about a jumper. She really gets some air. I just love her fuchsia cowgirl boots- perfect for any occasion but especially for picture day with Carla. She's a super duper trooper and a great "big" sis.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

"Lemon water makes me pucker and straws are the best" Sometimes you get more than you thought.

Check out these cute shades- This is how grandma wears her glasses.

Three Times the Fun

Happy Birthday sweet Hadley. I had so much fun with you at Windmill Gardens, looking at flowers, playing peek a boo, looking at little things and giggling. You are growing up to be such a big girl. I love your generous hugs and cute sweek cheeks.

Thursday, April 03, 2008


I never get tired of looking at Alayna's gorgeous photography and I am sure her family feels the same way- wow! Together we found some great locations for her photo session that helped capture her personality. We photographed until it was dark- just having a blast. She is amazingly beautiful.


This photo has Tyler artwork overlayed onto the barn door.Looks awesome!

Tyler is amazing!
here is why.........
  1. He wants to become a tattoo artist.
  2. He is definitely a gifted artist.
  3. He's the Halo "King".
  4. He's also a Karate master--why didn't we do some photos with your karate stuff?
  5. oh and yes he claims to be crazy...fun!
  6. His favorite music is rock and fav artist/band is Saosin
  7. Best buds are Kaylee Britz, Ryan Drobny and Ashleigh Bok.
  8. When he is rock'n at Starbucks he'll definitely be sipping a venti peppermint mocha frapp
  9. His best vacation to date was his fist trip to Maui. Any plans to go back?
  10. He is great to work with as you can see from his photos which were taken in the rain and the fog on separate days.